
Private classified ad

Private classified ads are free in the Gartenbahn-Werkstatt. It does not matter if with or without picture. You can submit the content of the ad to us here.

The size of the classified ad should not exceed 280 characters - that is, all characters, including spaces and punctuation marks. Only what is entered in the "Ad text" field will be published. Which contact data you publish there is up to you. At least one phone number or e-mail address. The contact details given in the other fields will only be stored within the publishing company and will be used exclusively for the purposes of the classified ad.

Maximum of two images per ad. The editors reserve the right to decide on the publication of the advertisements.

Editorial deadline and advertisement deadline:
Issue 2 15.02.2019
Issue 3 17.05.2019
Issue 4 16.08.2019
Release date 6 weeks later.

Gartenbahn Werkstatt - Classifieds
